Publications and Presentations
Here is a collection of conference papers, posters and articles in the context of this initiative.
- The product pathway: a vendor-neutral secure data transfer process between LIMS/ELN and LC-MS/MS instruments for bioanalysis by Gidion de Boer, Burkhard Schaefer, Neil Loftus, presented at 14th EBF Open Symposium in Nov 2022 (Barcelona, Spain)
- Solution towards a vendor-neutral and secure transfer of data between LIMS and Instruments by Gidion de Boer, Tim Blacker, Burkhard Schaefer, Neil Loftus, presented at 14th EBF Open Symposium in Nov 2021 (Barcelona, Spain)
- Solution towards a vendor-neutral secure data transfer process between LIMS/ELN and LC-MS/MS instruments for bioanalysis by Mark E Arnold; Tim Blacker; Gidion De Boer; Scott Davies; Blair James; Neil J Loftus; Burkhard Schaefer, poster presented at ASMS 2021
- AAPS Land o Lakes 2021 session
- E-Environment Workshop Session, organized by Cecilia Arfvidsson, hosted at 13th EBF Open Symposium in Nov 2020 (virtual)
- Improving data integrity in regulated bioanalysis: proposal for a generic data transfer process for LC–MS from the European Bioanalysis Forum. Bioanalysis (2020) 12(14), 1033–1038.